Legal Notice

In accordance with the law 34/2002 “Services of the society of communication and trade,” in force since July 11, 2002, to inform you that this website belongs to:

Hutchison Logistics Synergy, SA, hereinafter SYNERGY
NIF: A-66482894 Avda Estany del Port no. 91
08820 El Prat de Llobregat (BARCELONA)

Phone: 0034 935 084 443
Fax: 0034 935 084 441

Legal details: This company is registered in the Mercantile registry of Barcelona, Volume 4467804, Folio 126, Sheet 1.

Terms of use of this website

The use of this website is subject to the rules that are listed below. Please read them carefully.

Holder of the web page

The owner of this website is SYNERGY. You can contact us through regular mail, telephone, fax and e-mail. You'll find the data necessary to do so in the “Contact”section.


All trademarks, logos and logos displayed on this site are the property of SYNERGY is prohibited to use, download, copy, or distribute them by any means without the written permission of SYNERGY.

The texts, drawings, photographs, and other audio and visual elements contained in this website are, unless otherwise stated, the exclusive property of SYNERGY.

Intellectual property

SYNERGY does not give any right of reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation, on the web site, its design, or its contents. It is forbidden any use of the website that doesn't accord with its purpose.

The use of this website does not imply the assignment of any rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation of the elements of programming.

Any violation of the rights of industrial or intellectual property held by SYNERGY will be prosecuted before the competent courts in each case.

Limitation of liability

This website contains material prepared by SYNERGY for informational purposes only.

SYNERGY is not responsible for the actions undertaken on the basis of the information contained on this website.

SYNERGY is not responsible, within the limits allowed by the Law 34/2002, of the legality of the content of the websites owned by third parties linked from this web page.

Technical notice

Navigation, access and security

The access and navigation on this website implies accepting and knowing the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained in it. SYNERGY makes every effort to ensure that browsing takes place in the best conditions and to prevent harm of any kind that may arise during the same.

SYNERGY is not responsible for damages of any nature that may be caused to users by the use of other browsers or different versions of the browsers for which the site has been designed website.

Access to this website is carried out in an unsafe environment, so that the information transmitted is not encrypted.

SYNERGY is not responsible nor guarantee that access to this website will be uninterrupted or error-free. It is neither responsible nor guarantee that the content or software that can be accessed through this website is free from error or cause damage. In any case, SYNERGY will be responsible for losses or damages of any kind arising from the access to and the use of the website, including, but not limited to, those caused to computer systems or those caused by the introduction of virus.

SYNERGY is not responsible for the damages that may be caused to users due to improper use of this web site.

This web page has been designed for use in all types of browsers. Even so, we recommend using the latest versions of Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox.

The web page will be displayed on all screen resolutions, but we recommend a minimum resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels for a comfortable reading of the contents.

Please, if you detect any error, notify us by email to resolve the issue with as swiftly as possible:

Links on the web site

SYNERGY is not responsible in any way for the contents, commercial activities, products and services that may be viewed through electronic links (links), directly or indirectly, to or through this web site, especially those that may correspond to content of added value for the user, such as leisure, entertainment, curiosities, tips, etc., and those web sites of the brands sponsored by SYNERGY.

The presence of links on the web-site SYNERGY unless expressed to the contrary, has a merely informative purpose and in no case imply any suggestion, invitation or recommendation on them. These links do not represent any type of relationship between SYNERGY and the individuals or companies that own the web site that can be accessed by these links, nor between SYNERGY and the centers or institutions sponsored by SYNERGY or with which the company cooperates.

SYNERGY reserves the right to withdraw unilaterally and at any time the links that appear on your web site.

Use of cookies:

SYNERGY may use cookies to customize and facilitate maximum USER navigation through its website. The cookies are only associated with an anonymous USER and your computer and do not provide references that allow the USER's personal data. The USER may configure their browser to notify and reject the installation of cookies sent by SYNERGY without affecting the ability of the USER to access the Content.

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